Tuesday, July 31, 2007

loan pine

hey mate!

jim finally visited the koalas!
(this post is going to feature so many photos!)

the name is loan pine sanctuary and its the largest koala sanctuary in the world, according to guiness.

i was so terribly happy until i saw the terribly priced admission fee. so expensive ah. entering the reserve costed us like 18 dollars.
(pardon the stinginess because very poor ah here)

and so off we started our journey in the reserve, equipped with a map and a schedule of animal shows.

of course, we headed the 'koala' way!

and voila, our first koala.

and our second koala.

and our third and fourth koala.

and the fifth one.
(finally one not sleeping) =P

handsome ler? =P

lol. yeah after the koalas, we went to see the kangoos pulak. the kangoos were really busy

being fed,


napping baby joey,

see tiny baby joey there?

making love *shy shy* (pardon them, they cant possibly find a room),

and camwhoring with me!

lol. and after being super happy touching the kangoos, we made up our stingy minds to snap-a-photo-with-koala for 15 freaking dollars. lol again, pardon the stinginess.

15 dollars can eat 2 plates of yummy curry rice in miss india~! =P oh yeah, and the koalas really stink ah. i dined with wenli in the city smelling all koala. huhu.

and so we continued our journey to see them animals.

the i-pretend-i-die-already wombat!

the super grumpy sheep duo

the round-round cute wombat

the loving baby goats.

and the super chic chicken! (actually very ugly hor?) =P

lol. there were zillions of species of birds and other reptiles there but i guess most of them are already in the malaysian zoos as well.

i guess this trip will seriously be a superbly memorable one.

yeah, it definitely will.


Audrey S. said...

jealous* haha

the koalas and kangaroos are so cute! and the baby goat actually looked like a pig to me. hahahaha and what's with the goat-like creature with brown colour fur on it's head and the whole body is in white? hahaha

jim said...

baby goat look like pig? wah you sure mo? haha. the pictures are after the description la. think i messed it up. sowi sowi. =)

yeah theyre so adorable!

Anonymous said...

eeeeeeeeee.......... dats it! i wan wombat as pet~!!! jim look like da chicken le.. hehe... agak comel.

Ern said...

They certainly look super nice to hug weh.. but stink real bad eh.. wonder if can give them a bath or not.. When la can keep koala as pet ho.. haha. :p

KELVIN said...

Ooi... why u look so affraid of that koala? That koala won't drink ur susu la. Wakakaka =) Jokin mate! At least u got to carry one. Good for u...

Anonymous said...

.... you look like the koalas!

jim said...

you are one big notti koala melissa! =P

Mr Blur said...

jim! got any baby kangaroo for me? hehehe