Monday, August 20, 2007

i'm a good husband

hello people.

lol after that oh-so-romantic love story, now im hogging on my status as a hubby. =P

yeah i actually went to one of aussie's dry-market-which-doesnt-look-like-a market some time back with bee-yoo-tee-foo wenli but perhaps i'll post about that sometime later.

so yeah, today, jim's a modern hubby!
he goes to the city to stock up his vegetables. lol.

queenstreet canopy.

back in malaysia, we have our very own kah-four (however you spell it), giant, jusco, tesco and some-co. they generally produce their own line of daily products that are not only cheaper than other consumer brands, but also generate more profit for them.

mr. somebody bridge.

and yeah, in aussie, we have coles, woolworths (they call em woolies here), crazy clarks and big W. cute names eih? lol coles and woolies are like kah-fours and tescos back in our place.

crazy clarks focuses more to non consumables and they sell really cheap stuffs, some at the extend of sacrificing their quality. i still wonder why mr. clark decided to name his shop crazy. anyways, big W sells just about everything you need, with heaps of discounts too sometimes.

the thing about supermarkets in aussie, they work very very weirdly. a can of tuna will cost around 99 cents one day, aud 1.65 the next day and probably 99 cents again 2 days after. prices in them shops always fluctuate, never stable.

the im-a-husband jim always have to travel around today and tomorrow just to buy the cheapest stuffs at the right time. always. if not ar, THE-wife will scold ma. =P

the green bag down there is called a green bag. duh. lol. they are sold for around 1.00 dollar everywhere. most aussies will bring their own green bags when they shop for goods. good thing is, even though the authorities dont restrict the use of plastic bags, the citizens are environment-friendly enough to not use plastic bags. good ler? i hope malaysians will do the same too!

and while husband-jim was walking around shopping one sunny day, he *spotted* two pretty women.


and married them instantaneously.

(hey, im against concubines and polygamies okay?. they are sooo wrong!) ^^'

lol. they are so delicious he cant resist to kiss them day and night together. jim
just melts everytime they dance. >.<

blackcurrant weh! my favourite! 50% fruit some more! aud 2.00 only. whee!

and so, today, husband-jim did a really really husband thingee.
he bought this SUPER lousy thing for 6.00 dollars. freaking 6 dollars weh!

husband ler?

*its been raining for two days already. super cold today!*


KELVIN said...

Coles and Home Brand. Muahahaha... Typical cheap stuff at Australia. I always go for those 2 brands as well.

U bought an umbrella for $6??? I've got mine for $3 from Reject Shop. Muahahaha... What a gud lou kong u r!

jim said...

lol yeah. their maggi very hard to swallow de ><

dont need to comapre la. bought mine from the front convenience store. desperate move cause was running late for class already. =D
the umbrella dem lousy weh!

adlil said...

Yes! Coles brand and Home Brand stuff are what we always buy also. Sometimes we go for Black Gold stuff. Cheap people.. =P

But of course, however much I like the products, I don't marry my em like you do. Hahaha.

Rain here also getting bad. So bloody cold.