Thursday, August 16, 2007

true love lasts forever

im so sorry dear.

i know its my bad not to tell people about your existence.
youve been serving me ever so faithfully and unduly for more than two years already.

we were engaged on the 12th of June 2005, fairly pretty a day because i had to explain a lot to daddy before he allowed me to. daddy didnt know about her at all and that made it real hard to talk to him about it. we waited for one whole week till she moved out of her place to mine - the longest one week in my life, longing for her to come everyday.

when she came, my sister actually greeted her before i did because i was on a long vacation. i longed for her smooth skin and perfect curves all the time. i came back and shes all geared up and good to go to our expensive honeymoon. i had to teach her many new things in life, and how she will be a good wife. =) and yeah, she taught me a lot of new things as well, from household chores to romance.

we were the happiest couple in the world. though of course, there were many other hot chics who constantly pop every other day, luring me to marry them. like every other couple, we do have some arguments here and there but theyre none of our faults. i still try my very best to fix them and stay happy together again.

she is the best company in my life, till now, that for everytime when im alone, shes with me, constantly. i love her, for the rest of maybe my life, or till im rich, then ill have to retire her and get myself a hotter chic.

cruel eih? lol =P

people, say hello to my baby. =)
(she has fairly aged. handle with care alright?)


soft buttons.

perfect curves.

accessibleness (can see her wrinkles from here lol)

ah youre just so hot on the outside!

my inspiron 6000!
lol. shes running a Pentium Centrino Mobile chip,
clocking 1.60 GHz, 2MB of Cache, FSB of 533 MHz, 2x256 of
533MHz DDR2 SDRAM, and best part of all,
a X300 ATI Mobility Radeon with 64MB DDR memory.

lol yeah its still outdated eih? shes 2 years old mind you. back then shes good stuff weh hehe!
at least she has a proper graphics card compared to most lappies now. =P

the only catch is that shes a little heavy. 4+kg including batteries. lol. but heck it la, at least her batteries last long. 4:00 hours average when im using microsoft office.

all the dells now come in supreme colours weh. so envy of them people. packed with 2GB of RAM somemore. jealous habis! lol.

hehe. though i have loads to write about aussie still, but really want to dedicate this post to my pretty little lappie.

hail dell!


mee kee said...

hehe. lovely couple.

Charlz said...


KELVIN said...

Wahahaha... Then the one I'm having is your wife's sister la sior? By the way, what does the USB's port stands for ar? Nyeh... nyeh... nyeh...

jim said...

lol if theyre sisters then we ma brother in laws? wah. haha.
universal serial bus (i think) lol

Hwei Cheng said...

can i say.....ure n.u.t.z? hahahah!!!

Hwei Cheng said...
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