Tuesday, September 13, 2011

this is a delicacy in saudi

warning: looking at the below picture might cause vomitting or immediate nightmare. 

really i'm not kidding. ignore that hand it's the maintenance guru's. 


Ning W. : Zoey said...

that hand got so many bulu! and what is that? kambing head! Scream and faint.

Jim said...

shi! haha. and they eat the BRAIN, TONGUE and EVERYTHING ELSE! yer. i see until half i lari.

lastangel2411 said...

10 times visiting ur blog trying to figure out what's in the picture. FAIL~

Ahahaha. Give up d... Now tell me pls, apa tuu? :O

Jim said...

Sheep head. Really really. Meek meek.

lastangel2411 said...

Aiyerrrrrrrrrr T_____T

Jim said...

agreed. aiyerrrrr. lol.